
Publications (2008~)

  • Mitsunobu, S., Hamamura, N., Kataoka, T., Shiraishi, F. (2013): Arsenic attenuation in geothermal streamwater coupled with biogenic arsenic(III) oxidation. Applied Geochemistry, In press.
  • Hamamura, N.,Fukushima, K., Itai, T. (2013): Identification of arsenite- and antimonite- oxidizing bacteria associated with antimony mine tailings. Microbes and Environment, In press.
  • Kanaly, R.A., Hamamura, N. (2013): 9,10-phenanthrenedione biodegradation by a soil bacterium and identification of transformation product by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Chemosphere, In press.
  • Hamamura, N., Ward, D. M., Inskeep, W.P. (2013): Effects of hydrocarbon mixture types on alkane degradation and hydrocarbon-degrading microbial populations in different soil environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12108.
  • Hamamura N., Meneghin, J., Reyesnbach, A-L. (2013): Comparative community gene expression analysis of Aquificales-dominated geothermal springs. Environmental Microbiology, 15(4), 1226-1237. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12061
  • Hamamura, N., Liu, Y., Inskeep, W.P. (2012): Identification of bacterial community and arsenate-reducing bacteria associated with a soda lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 6, Advanced Environmental Studies by Young Scientist. Kawaguchi, M., Misaki, K., Sato, H., Yokokawa, T., Itai, T., Tue, N. M., Ono, J. and Tanabe, S. (Eds), TERRAPUB, Tokyo, Japan, in press.
  • Kanaly, R.A., Maeda, A., Kunihiro, M., Hamamua, N. (2012): Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis as an ecotoxicological tool to investigate the effects of aqui-fullerene on a bacterial community. Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 6, Advanced Environmental Studies by Young Scientist. Kawaguchi, M., Misaki, K., Sato, H., Yokokawa, T., Itai, T., Tue, N. M., Ono, J. and Tanabe, S. (Eds), TERRAPUB, Tokyo, Japan, in press.
  • 濱村奈津子 (2011): 微生物とヒ素: 耐性, 代謝, 進化適応 日本微生物生態学会誌, 26(2), 57-63.
  • Klatt, C.G., J.M. Wood, D.B. Rusch, M.M. Bateson, N. Hamamura, J.F. Heidelberg, A.R. Grossman, D. Bhaya, F.M. Cohan, M. Kühl, D.A. Bryant and D.M. Ward. (2011): Community ecology of hot spring cyanobacterial mats: Predominant populations and their functional potential ISME J, 5(8), 1262-1278.
  • Sayavedra-Soto, L.A., N. Hamamura, C-W. Liu, J.A. Kimbrel, J.H. Chang and D. J. Arp. (2011): The membrane-associated monooxygenase in the butane-oxidizing Gram-positive bacterium Nocardioides sp. strain CF8 is a novel member of the AMO/PMO family. Environmental Microbiology Report, 3(3), 390-396.
  • Inskeep, W.P., Rusch, D.B., Jay, Z., Herrgard, M.J., Kozubal,M.A., Richardson, T.H., Macur, R.E., Hamamura, N., Jennings, R., Fouke, B.W., Reysenbach, A-L., Roberto, F., Young, M., Bateson, M., Schwartz,A., Boyd,E., Badger, J., Geesey, G. and Frazier, M. (2010): Metagenomes from high-temperature chemotrophic systems reveal importance of geochemical controls on microbial community structure and function. PLoS One, 5(3), e9773.
  • Hamamura, N., Macur, R.E., Liu, Y. Inskeep, W.P. and Reysenbach, A-L. (2010): Distribution of aerobic arsenite oxidase genes within the Aquificales. . Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry- Biological responses to chemical contaminants: from molecular to community level. , Hamamura, N., Suzuki, S., Mend, S., Barroso, C.M., Iwata, H. and Tanabe, S., TERRAPUB, Tokyo, Japan, 47-55.
  • Reysenbach, A-L, N. Hamamura, M. Podar, E. Griffiths, S. Fereirra, R. Hochstein, J. Heidelberg, J. A. Johnson, D. Mead, A. Pohorille, M. Sarmiento, K. Schweighofer, R. Seshadri, M. A. Voytek. (2009): Complete and draft genome sequences of six members of the Aquificales. Journal of Bacteriology, 191, 1992-1993.
  • Hamamura, N., Macur, R.E., Reysenbach, A-L., Inskeep, W.P. (2009): Linking microbial oxidation of arsenic with detection and phylogenetic analysis of arsenite-oxidase genes in diverse geothermal environments Environmental Microbiology, 11(2), 421-431.
  • Bhaya, D., A.R. Grossman, A-S. Steunou, N. Khuri, F.M. Cohan, N. Hamamura, M.C. Melendrez, M.M. Bateson, D.M. Ward, and J. Heidelberg. (2008): Population level functional diversity in a microbial community revealed by comparative genomic and metagenomic analysis. ISME J, 1, 703-713.
  • Reysenbach, A-L. and N. Hamamura (2008): A geobiological perspective on metagenomics. Geobiology , 6, 337-340.
  • Hamamura, N., M. Fukui, D.M. Ward and W.P. Inskeep. (2008): Assessing soil microbial populations responsible for n-alkane degradation at different temperatures using phylogenetic, functional gene (alkB) and physiological analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 7580-7586.

Invited Lectures / Presentations (2009~)

  • 濱村奈津子 (2013): 有害元素類の生物変換. 第11回広大サステナブル科学セミナー, 広島大学、1月 21日.
  • Invited presentation 'Biotransformation of toxic elements associated with contaminated environments.' at the International Conference on "Effects of climate change and land use on biodiversity and ecosystems", Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 1-3 Oct. 2012
  • Invited lecture on "Bioremediation ecology" at Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Nat. Univ. Mongolia. 25 Sept 2012
  • 濱村奈津子 (2011): 複合汚染環境における微生物生態学:汚染物質代謝・耐性機構の機能ゲノミクス解析. 愛媛大学と松山大学との連携事業:講演会 NAME第2回フォーラム, 松山大学、松山市,11月26日.
  • 濱村奈津子 (2011): バイオレメディエーションエコロジー:複合汚染環境における微生物群集応答  分子レベルから網羅的解析まで. 第10回微生物生態合同実習, 福井県立大学、小浜市, 8月30日.
  • Hamamura, N. (2011): Functional analysis of microbial communities associated with arsenic cycling in the environment. International Symposium on Advanced Studies by Young Scientists on Environmental Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Ehime Univ., Matsuyama, Aug 4th
  • Hamamura, N. (2011): Functional analysis of microbial communities associated with arsenic cycling in the environment. The 4th Joint Forum of Environmental Sciences 2011, Ehime Univ., Matsuyama, June 21st
  • 濱村奈津子 (2011): 環境中ヒ素動態に影響を及ぼす微生物群集機能の解析. エコトピア科学シンポジウム「バイオレメディエーション:微生物群の解析からデザイン化まで」, 名古屋大学、名古屋市、 1月28日.
  • Hamamura, N., Macur, R.E., Inskeep, W.P., Reysenbach, A-L. (2009): Geomicrobiology of arsenic.. Interdisciplinary Symposium for Young Investigator, Biological responses to chemical contaminants: from molecular to community level, Aveiro, Portugal, Sept 4th.

International conference (2009~)

  • Hamamura, N., Huang, H., Okuda, S., Damdinsuren, N. (2012): Meta-transcriptomic analysis of microbial community associated with a soda lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Kanaly, R.A., Hamamura, N. (2012): Investigation of a microbial community exposed to potentially genotoxic pollutants during growth on a defined hydrocarbon NAPL . American Society for Microbiology 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  • Hamamura, N., Itai, T. (2012): Microbial arsenic and antimony oxidation associated with soil from antimony mine tailings. American Society for Microbiology 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  • Kanaly, R.A., Kunihiro, M., Hamamura, N. (2011): Effects of potential oxidative damage on bacterial populations caused by fullerene exposure. International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011 Congress: XIII International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Hamamura, N., Itai, T.,Damdinsuren, N., Reysenbach, A-L., Inskeep, W.P. (2011): Microbial arsenic transformation associated with soda lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. Goldschmidt2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Hamamura, N., Meneghin, J. and Reysenbach, A-L. (2010): Comparative meta-transcriptomic analysis of Aquificales-dominant terrestrial hot springs. . The 13th International Symposium in Microbial Ecology, Seattle, USA.

Domestic conference (2009~)

  • 福島江・黄鶴・広瀬侑・濱村奈津子 (2013): プロテオーム手法によるヒ素及びアンチモン 酸化細菌の細胞応答解析. 第7回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会, 長浜.
  • 濱村奈津子・黄鶴 (2013): 環境錯乱に対する微生物群集の機能応答解明へのオミックスア プローチ. 第7回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会, 長浜.
  • Huang, H., Hamamura, N. (2012): Comparative metatranscriptomic analysis of microbial communities associated with an extreme environment. Joint conference on informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology, Tokyo.
  • Hamamura, N., Huang, H., Fukushima, K. (2012): Cellular to community level function and response of microbial populations associated with arsenic-contaminated environments. 日本微生物生態学会第28回大会 , 豊橋.
  • Fukushima, K., Hamamura, N. (2012): Proteomic analysis of a novel autotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium Sinorhizobium sp. IK-A2. 日本微生物生態学会第28回大会 , 豊橋.
  • Kataoka, T., Hamamura, N. (2012): Enrichment of arsenic and antimony metabolizing bacteria using solid phase microcosms. 日本微生物生態学会第28回大会 , 豊橋.
  • 濱村奈津子・板井啓明・奥田修二郎・Reysenbach, A-L. (2011): 北モンゴル炭酸塩湖のヒ素代謝に関与する微生物群集の機能ゲノミクス解析. 日本微生物生態学会第27回大会 , 京都.
  • Hamamura, N., Itai, T., Liu, Y., Inskeep, W.P. and Reysenbach, A-L. (2010): Diversity and functional analysis of bacterial communities associated with soda lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. 日本微生物生態学会第26回大会 , 筑波.
  • Hamamura, N., Meneghin, J., Reysenbach, A-L. (2010): Comparative commnity gene expression analysis of Aquificales-dominant geothermal springs. 第4回日本ゲノム微生物学会, 福岡市.
  • Hamamura, N., Meneghin, J., Reysenbach, A-L. (2009): Comparative metatranscriptomics of Aquificales-dominant hot springs. 日本微生物生態学会第25回大会, 広島市.


  • 平成22年度最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム「複合汚染に対する 微生物遺伝子応答の網羅解析による新規毒性影響評価技術の開発」 (研究代表者)期間:平成23年2月〜26年3月
  • 平成21年度科学研究費補助金:若手研究スタートアップ「複合汚染環境に おける微生物遺伝子応答の網羅的解析と環境影響評価に関する研究」 (研究代表者)期間:平成21年10月〜23年3月