Our overall research interest is to understand the complex interactions of microbial community functions and geochemical processes, both of which are influencing each other co-dependently to shape the ecosystem. We are working with naturally or anthropogenically-impacted systems to examine interactions of physical-chemical changes (e.g. contaminant chemistry) and biological changes (e.g. microbial community and function dynamics).
What's New | Added |
Conference | 2018-04-05 |
Microbial biotransformation of toxic metalloids and its bioremediation implications. Hamamura, N., Mitsunobu, S. The 14th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances. Nagoya, Japan. Sept 24-28, 2017. | |
Conference | 2018-04-05 |
First year master student, Misaki Etoh presented her undergraduate thesis project at The 9th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Pusan, Korea. Diversity and composition of rumen microbiome in Sika deers (Cervus nippon yakushimae) from Yakushima Island, Japan. Eto, M., Yahara, T., Kuroiwa, A., Hamamura, N. Apr 26-28, 2017. | |
Announcement | 2016-07-14 |
The 12th Qeco seminar on July 21, 2016,15:30~17:00. Title: Community ecology of the human microbiome, Dr. Gilberto E. Flores, Dept. Biology, California State University, Northridge. Seminar Location: Kyushu Univ. Ito Campus, West Zone 1, 2F Room D208. | |
Conference | 2016-07-14 |
Microbial antimony transformation associated with antimony mine tailing. Hamamura, N., Utsunomiya, S., Nakano, Y., Mitsunobu, S. Goldschmidt2016, Yokohama, Japan. 26 June- 1 July 2016 | |
Publication | 2015-10-19 |
Cellular response of Sinorhizobium sp. strain A2 during arsenite oxidation. Fukushima, K., Huang, H. and N. Hamamura. Microbes and Environments (2015) 30:330-334. | |
Publication | 2015-09-01 |
Application of DNA adductomics to soil bacterium Sphingobium sp. strain KK22. RA Kanaly, R Micheletto, T Matsuda, Y Utsuno, Y Ozeki, N Hamamura. MicrobiologyOpen (2015) 4:476-482. | |
Announcement | 2015-04-16 |
As of April 1st 2015, I have started a new position at Department of Biology, the Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University as an associate professor and a director of the office on international education and research. | |
Conference | 2014-08-17 |
Diversity of microbial arsenic transformation pathways associated with an alkaline saline lake in northern Mongolia. Hamamura, N., Huang, H., Damdinsuren, N. ISME15, Seoul, South-Korea. 24-29 August 2014 | |
Publication | 2014-01-09 |
Identification of anaerobic arsenite-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing bacteria associated with an alkaline saline lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. Hamamura, N., Itai, T., Liu, Y., Reysenbach, A-L., Damdinsuren, N., Inskeep, W.P. Environmental Microbiology Reports (2014) 6:476-482. | |
Research collaboration | 2014-01-09 |
Our collaborator from National University of Mongolia, Narantuya Damdinsuren, will visit our lab. Jan 14-Feb 14, 2014. | |
Research collaboration | 2014-01-09 |
Happy New Year! Dr. Seigo Amachi and his graduate student from Chiba University visited us for a collaboration project. Jan 2-10, 2014. | |
Conference・Outreach | 2013-10-01 |
Invited speaker on "Promotion of diversity and gender equality in science and technology and academia in Japan: prospective and activities of the Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology" at Woman Scientist Roundtable: Network for Asian Woman Microbiologists, The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Jhongli, Taiwan, Nov.1, 2013 | |
Conference | 2013-10-01 |
Microbial transformation of toxic elements associated with mine tailing. Hamamura, N., Fukushima, K., Huang, H., Kataoka, T. The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Jhongli, Taiwan, Oct.31-Nov.2, 2013. | |
Conference | 2013-05-26 |
Investigation of DNA modification in a soil bacterium after exposure to organic and inorganic pollutants by LC-tandem mass spectrometry. Kanaly, R.A., Micheletto, R., Maeda, A.H., Hamamura, N., ASM113th General Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 18-21 May 2013. | |
Conference | 2013-05-26 |
Meta-transcriptomic analysis of microbial community response to arsenic exposure. Hamamura, N., Huang, H.,Damdinsuren, N., ASM113th General Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 18-21 May 2013. | |
Publication | 2013-05-26 |
Metagenome sequence analysis of filamentous microbial communities obtained from geochemically distinct geothermal channels reveals specialization of three Aquificales lineages. T. Takacs-Vesbach, W. P. Inskeep, Z. J. Jay, D. B. Rusch, S. G. Tringe, M. Herrgard, M. A. Kozubal, N. Hamamura, R. E. Macur, et al. (8 other authors) Frontiers in Microbial Physiology and Metabolism | |
Publication | 2013-05-26 |
Arsenic attenuation in geothermal streamwater coupled with biogenic arsenic(III) oxidation. Mitsunobu, S., Hamamura, N., Kataoka, T., Shiraishi, F. Applied Geochemistry | |
Publication | 2013-05-26 |
Identification of arsenite- and antimonite-oxidizing bacteria associated with antimony mine tailings. Hamamura N., Fukushima, K., Itai, T. Microbes and Environment | |
Publication | 2013-04-10 |
9,10-phenanthrenedione biodegradation by a soil bacterium and identification of transformation product by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Kanaly, R.A., Hamamura N. Chemosphere | |
Publication | 2013-03-31 |
Effects of petroleum mixture types on soil bacterial population dynamics associated with the biodegradation of hydrocarbons in soil environments. Hamamura N., Ward D.M., Inskeep W.P. FEMS Microbiology Ecology | |
Publication | 2013-01-30 |
Comparative community gene expression analysis of Aquificales-dominated geothermal springs. Hamamura, N., Meneghin, J., Reyesnbach, A-L. Environmental Microbiology | |
Conference | 2012-10-24 |
Invited presentation 'Biotransformation of toxic elements associated with contaminated environments.' at the International Conference on "Effects of climate change and land use on biodiversity and ecosystems", Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 1-3 Oct. 2012. | |
Lecture | 2012-10-24 |
Invited lecture on "Bioremediation ecology" at Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Nat. Univ. Mongolia. 25 Sept 2012 | |
Research | 2012-10-24 |
Sampling trip to Mongolia. 24-30 Sept. 2012 | |
Conference | 2012-10-24 |
Organized a symposium 'Geomicrobiology of metal(loid)' and presented: Cellular to community level function and response of microbial populations associated with arsenic-contaminated environments. Hamamura, N., Huang, H. Fukushima, K. JSME2012, Toyohashi, Japan. 19-22 September 2012 | |
Conference | 2012-07-19 |
Meta-transcriptomic analysis of microbial community associated with a soda lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia. ISME14, Copenhagen, Denmark. 19-24 Aug 2012 | |
Conference | 2012-07-19 |
Investigation of a microbial community exposed to potentially genotoxic pollutants during growth on a defined hydrocarbon NAPL. ASM112th General Meeting, San Francisco, USA. 16-19 June 2012 | |
Conference | 2012-07-19 |
Microbial arsenic and entimony oxidation associated with soil from antimony mine tailings. ASM112th General Meeting, San Francisco, USA. 16-19 June 2012 | |
Event - Science Cafe | 2012-03-14 |
Look here for more information on Science Cafe | |
Seminar | 2012-01-10 |
Dr. Bill Inskeep from Montana State University visited our lab. 2011. Dec 11~17. | |
Welcome! | 2011-12-17 |
This is hamamuralab.com. Dr. Hamamura's website for the Hamamura Research Group. Please return for updates and newly added information. |
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